“The mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what is good and beautiful.”
— Pope Francis
Academic Programs
The academic programs at Resurrection Catholic School are designed to guide our students to a greater understanding of the message of Jesus Christ and empower them to integrate His values and teachings into their lives. Our curriculum is prescribed by the Diocese of Orlando Office of Schools. The students of Resurrection Catholic School consistently score above the national and local averages in all curriculum areas. Resurrection Catholic School became the first STREAM accredited school in the Diocese of Orlando in 2020.
Our curriculum programs are reviewed periodically by diocesan and school committees. The reviews are scheduled over a five-year period for all subject areas.
Standardized Testing
Resurrection Catholic School participates in:
TerraNova Standardized Assessment
The TerraNova Assessments are administered to students in grades 2-8 in the Spring.
Middle school students take final exams at the end of the year.
Honors & Awards
National Junior Honor Society
The National Junior Honor Society is an organization requiring high student standards in the areas of scholarship, service, character, and citizenship. Criteria for selection to the Resurrection Catholic School National Junior Honor Society are based on guidelines by the National Council of the National Junior Honor Society.
National Junior Art Honor Society
The National Junior Art Honor Society was established for 7th and 8th grade students who are passionate about sharing their visual art talents with our school, parish, and community. Criteria for selection are based on guidelines by the National Art Education Association.
Special Recognition
Resurrection Catholic School provides several types of honors and awards for outstanding behavior and academic performance.